Sunday 23 November 2014

Planning Our Kiva Fundraiser

One of our major projects in Social Studies this term has been learning about the microfinance organization, Kiva.  We began by building our background knowledge about basic needs versus wants, poverty, resource inequality, financial literacy and the power of micro loans.  By the time we had done all of these lessons, we were very motivated to help, and so the idea of a fundraiser was born.

We brainstormed fundraising ideas, discussed the pros and cons of each one using the criteria we created, and voted on our favourites. Ultimately, we decided on a bean bag toss.  Participants in the school would pay $1.00 for three bean bags.  Their goal would be to hit a target on the ground across the gym.  The winners would win movie passes generously donated by Landmark Guildford Cinemas.

With an idea in mind, we then divided up into committees.  Every student had a job and their teamwork was impressive.  Check out the photos below to see their examples of them hard at work.

Writing an announcement to advertise the event over the P.A.
Our other announcements team.
Organizing which pairs of students will visit which classes to talk about the event.

Our logistics committee making decisions about who, what, when, where.

Posters around the school let everyone know about the event.

Such a big school needs a lot of posters!
Making sure all the important info is included in his poster.

Another one of our fantastic poster pairs.
Our principal proposal committee using our iPad to plan their presentation to Mr. Sol.

Visiting the Kiva website for inspiration!

There are so many wonderful people to loan to!

Stay tuned to find out how our bean bag toss goes on Tuesday, November 25 (for primaries) and Thursday, November 27 (for intermediates).

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